Thursday, 27 October 2011

Thursday 27 October 2011

What a crappy sleep I had last night. I was literally drowning in my own phlegm and making sounds that really were not lady like at all. My poor husband had to put up with very non sexy deep breathing for most of the night! I managed to put a look together for work this morning, which was half presentable and hopefully would cover up the massive head fog and sinus head ache I was sporting. First stop was a child care centre currently going through renovations. (For obvious reason, names have been omitted for confidentially reason.) Then off to a Directors meeting for some very innovative conversations with some local ladies with a passion for early childhood education. However, my nose let me down was a dead giveaway;  and the panda watery eyes was not a good look by any stretch of the imagination. I made it back to work for a quick bite to eat. That leads me to another topic - food choices on my last week of my 12 week challenge. Todays lunch was brown rice and chicken, washed down with benadryl cough mixture. Euughhh, that stuff is enough to make you want to vomit up the phlegm! I called it a day at 3pm when I was sent home due to the stomach turning snot clearing nose blows that I was forced to share at least every 5 mins! So home I came, which was a 50 min ride due a prang on the M1. I had the decision to either hit the on ramp which was at a grinding stop, or take the back streets. I took the back streets with the other half of the city which had the same idea. Arrived home, crawled into bed and had dinner made by my wonderful husband - kangaroo sausages, eggplant, mushrooms and a fried egg. Not quite sure how the fried egg made it in, but heck I wasn't complaining. I was happy that I didn't have to cook and sometimes you just need to know the line between critiquing and just be thankful.

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